Montan-Press Kft. will manage and store data of natural persons in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) no. 2016 / 679 (GDPR), and Act CXII of 2011 on information self-determination and freedom of information.
Our Company will pay special care and attention when managing personal data of our partners, clients and will specifically focus onto ensuring full compliance with all laws related to the protection and security of personal data, and simultaneously providing clear and transparent information to our partners, clients, and natural persons getting into contact with our Company about the exact from and scope of this data management.
Availabilities of our Company and clients service:
Registered seat: 1025 Budapest, Nagybányai út 88/A
Address of our office and clients service: 1027 Budapest, Csalogány u. 3/B
Trade Registry number: Cg. 0109-369295
Tax number: 12030712-2-41
Represented by: Madame Tóth Andrásné, managing director
Phone: +36209253726
Data provided voluntarily by our partners, clients at registration to a conference or event (users): name, company’s name, position, company’s address, e-mail address, phone number, invoicing data.
When you visit our website we use cookies for recording the IP address of the user’s computer, starting and closing time of the visit, and in some cases type of the user’s operation system and browser (depending on the user’s set up). When the user disapproved the use of cookies then you may not be able to use certain services of the website.
To identify the use and his access right – regarding data provided voluntarily. When a user voluntarily provides us his data this will be his consent that our Company, as the exclusive operator and owner of the website, can manage these data as described in this information. Using these data our Company may check and control the access rights to certain points of the website (e.g. conference abstracts, post-event access to presentations).
When a user intends to conclude a contract with our Company for providing services through any channel (verbally or in writing), and he will ask for a price proposal or issue any kind of order, then we have to record this user into our registration system in order that we can provide the requested service. The scope of the required data is presented above: name, company’s name, position, company’s address, e-mail address, phone number, invoicing data.
Our Company is not allowed to use personal data for any purposes other than here identified and transmit them for any third party or person. Exception: if the user explicitly so requires and / or has issued his prior consent in advance; it is required for the performance of a sub-contractor involved into the performance of the data procession contract, who has agreed to comply with the data procession conditions; obligatory transmission towards authorities related to statements, or if data controller shall transmit them as prescribed by other laws.
Data controller will delete the data provided voluntarily by the use, if management if such data is unlawful, the user so requires, the purpose of data management ceased to exist, or the deadline for data storage specified by laws has expired, or a court or data protection authority so requires.
Data controller will inform the person(s) concerned on data correction and data deletion, as well as all parties to whom such data has been transmitted for purposes of data management. Such information may be omitted if, with regard to the goal of data management, such omission is not harmful to the lawful interests of the concerned party.
In case of data management pursuant to consent such consent is always voluntary and can be at any time withdrawn. The concerned party may request for correction or deletion of his personal data the same way as described for registration or contacting the clients service. Following the acceptance of such request our Company will be – if required – entitled and obliged to hold data conciliation. If a consent is withdrawn, in certain cases the given service will not be available any longer. Data will be deleted in such a way that such data cannot be restored or recovered.
Our Company will do best efforts in order to protect the personal data of our clients from unauthorised parties. Intra-company access rights in various data bases support the personal data protection, and as a result only specifically appointed employees have access to personal data, and only to depth or level required for their work.
Electronic messages sent through the internet are however vulnerable irrespective of the protocol (e-mail, web, ftp, etc.) as there are threats on the net that may lead to unfair operations, challenges to contracts or disclosing or modifying information.
The concerned party may at any time request for information on managing his personal data, status of data management, his rights and guarantees, including also the person performing data management, data controller, data procession, legal base, purpose, duration of data management, location of data storage, data security and protection measures. If the concerned party requests, the data controller will provide information on his operations related to data management and transmission of data. Data controller will provide this information in writing within a reasonably short deadline but maximum within 30 days following the submission of such request.
The concerned party may protest against the management of his personal data if:
Data controller will – while simultaneously suspending data management – investigate the protest within the shortest possible deadline but maximum within 15 days following the submission of such protest and inform the petitioner on the results in writing.
If the protest is justified, the data controller will suspend and abandon data management – including also recording of further data and data transmission - and lock the relevant data, and inform on the protest and his its actions taken in this respect all parties to whom the relevant personal data are transmitted, and who shall take measures in order that the right of protest can be enforced and applied.
The concerned party will be entitled to lodge a complaint at the competent authorities appointed for this service by laws.
He may apply to courts if the authority remains inactive or silent or its decision is unacceptable.
The concerned party will be entitled to apply to courts if his personal data are unlawfully managed.
Data controller is allowed to unilaterally modify his data management regulation. He will inform on such modification the users in advance. If the user is using the service after its modification, then he will automatically accept the modified data management regulation.
We use cookies on our website.
In all websites only a simple access (page downloading), when the log records the client IP number and port number, in a standard apache log format.
In every website we use only temporary session cookies, as required for ensuring proper operations for the website. These cookies will disappear after the browser is closed.
Session cookies do not collect information, as they contain only the temporary session identifier required for looking into the website.
We store data on the server of GDPR kompatibilis Tárhely.Eu Szolgáltató Kft. (1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14.).